How is Maryland Auto different from other insurance companies?
Maryland Auto’s purpose is to provide automobile liability insurance to Maryland residents who are unable to obtain automobile insurance in the private market thereby reducing the number of uninsured motorists in the State. Maryland Auto is an independent agency of the State of Maryland and its enabling statutes are found in Title 20 of the Insurance Article of the Maryland Annotated Code. Maryland Auto does not receive state funds. Maryland Auto’s operating funds consist of revenues, premiums and other receipts provided by law.
Maryland Auto is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of nine members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for a five year term. The Executive Director runs the day to day operations of Maryland Auto and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
Robert L. McKinney, Chair, 2026; Jessica A. Quincosa, Vice Chair 2027; William D. Mayer, Secretary, 2025; Steven D. Linkous, 2025; Keith J. Wolfe, 2026; Lynda M. Perry, 2027; Marco V. Avila, P.E., 2028; Kara C. King Bess, 2028.
Al Redmer, Jr., Executive Director