The beginning of a new year is a time when most people make resolutions to change or improve something in their lives. Resolutions can focus on improving health, fitness, or financial well-being, reducing stress, being present, and/or spending more time with loved ones. Resolving to improve your driving habits can benefit you and those around you. By committing to safer driving practices, you can help reduce crashes, save lives, make our roads safer for everyone, and save on insurance costs.

Slow Down: It can be easy to be impatient when there is traffic and you’re running late. Speeding increases the risk of accidents and reduces reaction time. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and vow to stick to the speed limit.

Through a game on their site, debunks the common misconception that speeding saves significant time. Their game demonstrates that on a typical 20-mile highway drive with a 65-mph speed limit, a car traveling ten miles per hour faster (at 75-mph) only arrives about two and a half minutes earlier than vehicles obeying the limit.

Phone Down, Eyes Up: Distracted Driving can be deadly. Make a conscious effort to put your phone away while driving and pay attention to your surroundings. According to the non-profit In Control, “looking at one text has been found to tie up your brain for the next 27 seconds.”

Buckle Up: Wearing a seatbelt is the simplest way to protect yourself and your passengers in case of an accident. Make it a habit to buckle up every time you get into a car and ensure all passengers are buckled as well. If you’re in an accident without a seat belt, your resolution to spend time with loved ones may be at risk.

Related: Buckle Up for Safety

Use Your Turn Signal: Using your turn signal alerts others that you plan to turn or change lanes. The blinker warns other drivers that they will need to give you space or move around you.
Keep Up with Vehicle Maintenance: Regular vehicle maintenance is crucial for safety. Schedule oil changes, tire rotations, and brake inspections to keep your car in optimal condition.

Leave Road Rage Behind: Road rage can lead to dangerous situations. Practice patience and avoid aggressive driving behaviors.
Don’t Hog the Fast Lane: If you’re not passing another vehicle, move to a slower lane to allow others to pass.

Maintain Continuous Insurance Coverage: Ensure you have auto insurance coverage throughout the year. Driving without coverage can result in penalties of up to $3,500 per year in Maryland – per vehicle! – and can also result in the suspension of your registration. Keeping continuous coverage and driving safely can help you qualify for lower insurance premiums or discounts, which can help with your financial resolutions. You can learn more about the required insurance coverages in Maryland, get a quote, or find an agent by visiting

Related: Uncomplicate Your Life: The Consequences of Driving Without Insurance

By incorporating these simple tips into your driving habits, you can make a significant difference in your safety and the safety of others. Let’s resolve to make 2025 a safer year on the road!

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