The sun is shining, school’s out, and freedom is calling! But with the excitement of summer comes a period known as the “100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers. This stretch between Memorial Day and Labor Day traditionally brings with it a spike in fatal crashes involving teen drivers.

Why are these days more dangerous?

There are several factors:

Increased time on the road: Summer means more road trips, hanging out with friends, and late-night adventures.

Distractions: With phones, music, and carloads of friends, it’s easy to take your eyes off the road.

Risky behavior: Speeding, reckless driving, and impaired driving (including alcohol and drugs) are behaviors that can lead to fatal crashes.

How can you stay safe behind the wheel this summer?

Focus on the road. Put your phone away, don’t eat while driving, and limit the number of passengers in your vehicle. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, “when 2 or more teens ride in a vehicle with a teen driver, the risk of a fatal crash can double to triple.”

Follow the three-step graduated licensing system. This is the best way to gain driving experience without distractions. Related: Teen Driving Laws in Maryland

Buckle up! Every ride, every time. It’s the law and your best protection in a crash.

Slow down! Obey speed limits and adjust your speed for weather conditions.

Know your limits. Don’t drive impaired or while drowsy.

Practice defensive driving. Be aware of your surroundings, anticipate other drivers’ actions, and leave plenty of following distance.

Talk to your parents. Set clear expectations and driving rules together.

Related: Navigating Teen Driving: A Road Map for Teens and Parents

Following these tips can make summer a safe and enjoyable time on the road. Remember, getting where you’re going safely is more important than getting there fast.

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