Resources for Uninsured Marylanders

Thank you for visiting and taking the first step to resolving your uninsured auto fines!

If you’ve recently lost auto insurance coverage, you may have received a letter regarding the suspension of your registration. The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) notifies the Uninsured Division of Maryland Auto when a registration has been suspended because the insurance policy has lapsed or been cancelled. This notification is in accordance with Maryland law, Transportation Article 17-106(c).

We’ve put together these resources to help you resolve this situation, get insured, and get back on the road to a better life.

Insurance is required by law.

Vehicle owners must carry at least the minimum required limits of coverage in order to drive in Maryland, legally. Because your policy was canceled, you are subject to uninsured driver penalties, which are assessed at a rate of $200 for the first 30 days then $7 per day afterward. These penalties can add up to $3,500 per year, per vehicle!

While these penalties are outstanding, you will have a flag against your registration with the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA).

In order to reinstate your registration, you will need to resolve these penalties and obtain insurance.

In addition to these penalties, if you have an accident while driving without insurance, you may be personally responsible for any damages.

If you are due to receive a refund from your Maryland tax return, all or part of your refund may also be intercepted as part of the state’s Tax Refund Intercept Program (TRIP).

How do I resolve these penalties?

You have a few options for getting insured and avoiding additional uninsured motorist penalties, but before you can get insurance, you will have to resolve your current uninsured auto fines with the MDOT MVA.

The Insurance Compliance Division of MDOT MVA also offers payment plans for resolving your accumulated fines.

Get Insured With Maryland Auto

Because your insurance policy has been cancelled, you may meet the eligibility requirements for a policy with Maryland Auto Insurance. Click the button below to start a quote online. Or you can use our Find an Agent page to find an authorized Maryland Auto Provider near you.

You can also call 667-210-5016 to be connected with an authorized Maryland Auto Provider.

Get a Quote

Find an Insurance Provider

You can contact your prior insurance agent or your previous insurance company to reinstate your policy. If you don’t know who your prior agent was or you prefer to work with a different insurer, a list of insurance providers can be found on the Maryland Insurance Administration’s website.

Go to MIA Website

Return Your Tags

If you are unable to afford auto insurance at this time, you may return your tags to the MDOT MVA. Visit the MDOT MVA website for details on how to do this as well as the latest information on MDOT MVA’s adjusted service availability due to COVID-19.

Go to MDOT MVA Website

What if I haven’t had a lapse in insurance?

If you feel this registration suspension is an error, you can obtain a Certificate of Insurance (FR-19) from your insurance agent and submit to MDOT MVA as proof of continuous coverage.

What is Maryland Auto Insurance's Uninsured Division?

The Uninsured Division of Maryland Auto was created by the State to protect innocent Maryland residents who were injured due to an automobile accident and who do not have collectible insurance. A person can file a claim to receive compensation for bodily injury or property damage from the Uninsured Division if he/she has been injured by a negligent uninsured owner or operator in an accident. There are several eligibility requirements. MDOT MVA fines fund the Uninsured Division.

In addition, the Uninsured Division of Maryland Auto is tasked with educating Maryland residents of the state’s insurance requirements in an effort to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on Maryland roads.

Call 800.492.7120 TO GET STARTED TODAY!